大二为学生提供了机会 to address any lingering concerns from freshman year and to continue to work towards the rigorous classes and summative assessments that will be a 大学申请过程中的重要组成部分.


十年级的学业对所有学生来说都是必不可少的. Students that did not perform to their academic potential as freshmen have limited time to build their Grade Point Average, as only grades through the end of junior year will appear on a student’s high school 申请大学时的成绩单. 因此,它是必不可少的。 for these students to start the year strong and continue strong through the 春天.



以P坐 / NMSQT考试为例® 获得有价值的见解.

而十年级的学生没有资格获得国家优异奖 Scholarship recognition, students should take the exam seriously as it provides important experience regarding the endurance needed to excel on a multi-hour exam and valuable data that can be used 在准备坐考试时® 以及第二年的P坐 / NMSQT考试®.

注册AP® 类,如果可能的话.

Students who can demonstrate high, consistent academic achievement will open themselves to the opportunity to take Advanced Placement 课程,这是大学在评估学术成绩时很重视的 成绩单.

需要坐® 主题测试而材料 还是新鲜的.

® 主题 Tests are required at many of the most selective 大学 and, if ready, students should be aiming to take at least one 坐® 主题 今年年底前测试. 把重点放在学生擅长的科目上.

十年级是保持高绩点和 become involved in clubs and community activities to strengthen 大学 applications.


英语、数学、自然科学、社会科学和外语. 大多数学生都会 take Algebra 2 or Geometry for math, Biology or Chemistry for science, and World or 美国历史作为他们的社会科学. 学科的学术严谨性的提高 matter for all students makes the need for developing effective study habits and time 管理技能必备.

Sophomore year also provides a continued opportunity for students to 参加课外活动.

An important aspect of 大学 and career success is for students to identify and align their talents and their interests, and exposure to different extracurriculars 是这个过程的重要组成部分吗. 对10年级的学生来说,现在还为时不晚 not 参加课外活动 the year prior to explore opportunities 在学校内外都要参与进来. 这不仅有助于 identify passions and interests, but it will also improve a student’s resume when the 是时候申请大学了. 对于那些发现了课外兴趣的学生 as freshmen, this is the time to begin to take the types of leadership roles that will allow them to serve in management capacities later in high school. 这些责任 will not just help their resume stand out from the crowd, but it will build the types of 预示着未来成功的社会和领导技能.


Between 学者, out of school work, clubs, sports, and recreation, there is a lot more going 从九年级开始. 学生们必须做出明智的选择,否则他们就会完蛋 不堪重负,疲惫不堪. 在此期间,学生将有机会 start/continue to explore their interests and passions, which will ultimately inform bat365大学和职业的决定.



Sophomores that have demonstrated content mastery to this point in time must continue to solidify their academic performance while considering the wider array of skills that 对以后的高中和大学的成功是必要的吗.

As sophomores receiving top marks are quickly trending towards the most-rigorous possible courses later in high school, such as Advanced Placement classes, it is important now to develop the types of study habits and time management skills that will allow for a 更平滑地过渡到增加的工作负载. 增加……是必要的 quality of one’s study time before the quantity of work increases. It is also important for these students to enrich their 大学 applications beyond 学者. Involvement in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, student government, and/or volunteering will allow high-achieving academic students to stand out from the many other high-performing students that apply to the most competitive 大学.


Sophomores who have demonstrated the content knowledge to receive B grades, but not A’s, must work to identify and develop areas of skill weakness that are separating them from 获得最高分所需的额外分数.

This is particularly essential at this point in a student’s academic career as, in most cases, students who receive A’s during 10th grade will position themselves to either take Advanced Placement classes as juniors, or to take the classes that will funnel 作为高年级学生进入大学先修课程. 获得尽可能高的分数 in the most competitive courses is the best argument students can make for why a 大学 应该接受他们.

A significant part of this push to the top of the grade scale will be developing a growth mindset – the student’s belief in his or her own ability to overcome whatever challenges are holding him or her back from becoming an “A student.”


Sophomores who are receiving predominantly C grades or below still have time to build the skill mastery and content knowledge to improve their academic performance and to significantly improve their Grade Point Average by the time they apply to 大学. In fact, many 大学 will consider an upward trend in a student’s 评估高中成绩单时的成绩.

Not only will this skill building allow for higher grades and the potential to take more rigorous classes later in high school, but it will also prepare students for the 他们很快就要接受标准化的评估. 最难的内容就在上面 行为® and 坐v generally aligns with 10th grade math, writing, and reading skills, so 现在发展这些知识对考试有好处. 此外,如果一个学生 has been struggling academically, these assessments are weighed heavily enough in the 大学 application process to atone for some academic shortcomings.

It is also necessary that students at this grade level develop a mindset that allows 让他们相信自己能在学业上取得成就. 许多学生开始识别他们的 status as a “C student” as a permanent condition, and not one that can be changed with 适当的个性化支持.
